Joya Ahsan is back

Joya is back with her new film” Putraw”. She has not seen in cinema long time ago. After a long break she has been signed in "Putraw"   . The story of the film with a autistic child . Where Joya act as a school teacher . The story has revolved around the autistic child .  Joya has said about the film , " I do not like to say the word autistic . I call them the "Special Child " .  Joya Ahsan said it’s an honor for an actor to act like this roll.

The film has been made by the collaboration of information of  the ministry . The Impress Telefilm limited is the executive producer and Saiful Islam is the director .
Saiful Islam has said about the film ,I do a lot  of work about the story of this film . I worked with many people who have autism and I spoke with them . I will try to give everyone a good feeling , a picture of the gift.”

All details about the film will be unclosed by a press conference in channel I auditorium  . Everyone involved with the film, will be present .